Save On Energy Efficiency Upgrades
Don't put off energy efficiency home upgrades just because of upfront costs. You can save by tapping into Federal, State, and Local rebates and incentives.
Many local utility companies have developed online questionnaires and calculators to help you identify potential savings from making energy efficiency improvements. Some utilities even offer credits to customers using smart thermostats or Energy Star appliances.
Others even offer free removal of old refrigerators and money when you opt for energy efficient modes. An some even provide free or low cost energy audits to determine the projects that will help you slash your energy consumption.
You also may find free or discounted products - light bulbs, programmable thermostats, shower heads, and sink aerators. Still others offer demand pricing strategies (sometimes called hourly pricing, dynamic pricing, and real-time pricing) to help you save. Check your local utility company's website for different available programs and bookmark that site. Many utility programs require you to opt-in.
By investing in energy efficiency enhancements today, you can reap both short and long-term gains that include reducing your monthly utility bills, boosting home performance, and improving your family's health and comfort.
And since home buyers are increasingly factoring energy efficiency into their decision-making, these upgrades can provide a marketing edge when it is time to sell your home!
Consider this: 60 percent of consumers are interested in a home's sustainability, according to a recent REALTORS® and Sustainability Report published by the National Association of REALTORS®.
REALTORS® who have earned the National Association of REALTORS® Green Designation (www.green.realtor/work-green-designee/find-member) can refer you to local experts who can assess your home's performance.